CGT on home with Granny Flat

Question We owned a rural property just over 1 acre (0.4Ha) with a dwelling and attached granny flat for 10 years. The granny flat was originally built for the previous owners’ parents so it was more like an extension to the main residence rather than a separate dwelling, it was separated by a common party …

When a shareholder receives a return of capital, is that ROC applied to each individual parcel of shares they have on hand when the ROC is paid?

Question When a shareholder receives a return of capital, is that ROC applied to each individual parcel of shares they have on hand when the ROC is paid?What specific section of the act says to apply it that way? Further Information Could I please see the documentation you received about the return of capital?  I …

Taxing rights when moving overseas

Question Thank you for providing me with excellent advice in the past. I have a question about tax residence. I moved to Europe in April 2022 to take up long term employment for an international company. At the time I was on long service leave at my Australian company and did not do any work …

Main Residence and Testamentary Trust

Question My husband and I are updating our wills as both our Adult daughters are no longer dependents. We don’t want to create any unnecessary CGT issues for our children after we pass in relation to testamentary trusts. Our main assets are properties (our PPOR est Value $7M and 5 investment properties approx $5M net). …

To sell your home or not when moving overseas

Question Personal Background We are planning to move to England this year. We live in a home in Victoria that we own (still have mortgage on it). It was our PPR for 12 months, then we used it as an occasional weekender and rented it out on other weekends. For the past 18 months we …

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