
Welcome to Ask Ban Tacs where you can get the answers damn straight on many tax topics. We cover capital gains tax from your main residence through to land banking, work related expenses, property development and subdivision, the application of GST to property and rental investment property tax issues. We cover everything from how your main residence exemption works right through to the issues facing Expats that own property in Australia.

Browse our Notice Board where you may be able to find the answer to your question for free if another askbantacser has already asked a similar question.

There is no registration to ask a question, but you will have to provide your details for payment purposes. Your question which will be answered by Julia Hartman B.Bus CA, Registered Tax Agent for only $129.00 for a simple question or $259.00 for a complex question, tax deductible.

No Appointment Necessary
Simply lodge your tax question and you should have an answer within 2 working days.

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“Thank you so much for your detailed and insightful advice. I truly appreciate the time and effort you’ve taken to explain the GST and CGT considerations, as well as the strategic planning options available. I will definitely seek professional accounting help to ensure everything is handled correctly. Your guidance is invaluable, and I’m grateful for your support!”

“Just wanted to thank you for this response. It was exactly the information I needed. Really appreciate it. I was able. To download a contract for free so that was great also.”
“Many thanks for your response. I had done some of my own research and read most of the previous notice board posts. I would like to thank you for this, as it is a fantastic resource.”
“Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate the time you’ve taken and I’m so glad I was referred to you.”

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In addition to the Ask Ban Tacs service, the BAN TACS Accountants group offer a selection of digital products to help you including Getting Your Affairs in Order, The Property Cashflow Calculator and The Capital Gains Tax Calculator.

Visit the BAN TACs Shop