Monthly archives: June, 2014

Proportion of capital gains liable

Question I purchased my unit in Australia in an of the plan contract dated 23 August 1994 (the transaction date was 13 November 1995) for $179,900 while I was working in Papua New Guinea as a non resident of Australia I did not occupy the unit until 14/12/2000.When I brought the unit it was always …

Follow up Granny Flat Question

Question Thank you for your response to my granny flat question last year (see below).We have now commenced building the granny flay and I am reconsidering whether the granny flat should initially be treated as a secondary dwelling.Our family circumstances are such that it makes sense for my Mum to move in for a period …

Develop existing property

Question Hi JuliaWe met at the We Find Houses seminar last month. I have a house that I own in my own name, and have tenanted in Adelaide. My then husband and I bought the property in 1997 and then I bought his share of this as part of a property settlement in 2004. I …


Question Hi Julia,I spoke to Lyn Gower today and she gave me your number. Tried calling you and got your voice mail.I understand the concept I’ve read in your publications regarding itinerant workers travelling around OZ. But all that I’ve read is skewed towards individuals.I’ve been running my own [accounting software support] business under a …

Non resident checklist

Question HiI’m looking to go non resident for taxation this coming financial year. Also I need to change accountants but firstly..Is there a checklist of things to do to become non res?Other than ticking the box on the way out of the country.Do i hand in my medicare card/account?Do i de-register my vehicle?Sell shares?I have …


Question Hi JuliaI typed out my question and pressed submit and it all disappeared. Here goes again.Can you please advise on the following. If we sold the battle axe block that I wrote about previously…rather than build on it, what would be the tax position be please? I don’t think gst would apply to the …

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