Category «Rental Property – Loans»

Borrowing to Buy Half of Spouses home then rent out

Question Hi Julia,Its great listening to your advice on the Property Couch. I e-mailed you through Empower Wealth and I was directed to this site.I was hoping I could get some clarification on a property purchase/transfer to see if we proceed and execute it correctly if it will have the best financial/Tax outcome for us …

Key Principles  for keeping a loan tax deductible

Question Hi,How are you? I am a small business owner of an accounting firm (no employees). I have already asked the below question to another accounting organisation but the answer was brief. I love your answers, and want confidence in our work so would appreciate if you could help. The scenario and question: I have …

Unscrambling a mixed purpose loan

Question Hi Julia, I purchased an investment property with settlement date in January 2022. The loan was $472,000 for all purchase related and initial repair costs. In actual fact this was around $3,000 short in the first place, so I used extra money redrawn from my PPOR loan to cover that. Subsequent to that, I …

Keeping the Nexus When Refinancing

Question I have a loan for an investment property with Westpac for $220,000. I also have an unused loan facility with ANZ for $220,000. I want to transfer the $220,000 loan amount from Westpac to ANZ as ANZ is about 1% cheaper. The WBC loan facility will be kept and used for other personal purposes. …

Refinancing a loan through parents

Question I am seeking your advice about using a loan from my parents to refinance an investment loan. The background is that I have a $200,000 loan with a bank that was used to purchase dividend paying shares. The loan was a new split facility (secured against a property), and the funds from this split …

Borrowing to afford P&I repayments

Question My question centres around maintaining deductability on an investment loan, but I have provided a lot of background information for you first. Current: – I have a Rocket Repay Home Loan with Offset (Westpac) secured against my PPOR. – I am still within the 5 year interest only period of the 30 year loan …

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