Monthly archives: May, 2010

Sale of rental property owned in company name

Question We have a basicaly dormant Pty Ltd company which purchased a unit about 15 years ago for $54000. The company has just accepted a offer of $226500. The company only receives the rent of 2 properties as income , about $26000pa (basicaly dormant).After the sale of the mentioned property only one property will remain …

Overseas investment sold

Question Several years ago I started a business in Dubai in my own name. I visited Dubai each alternate month.Last year my local partner stole so much money from the business we had to close and I crystallised a loss of about $AUD 400,000In setting up the business I purchased a house to live in …

What can we claim?

Question We have come from NZ, sold up and will be buying a caravan as our home. Following the harvest trail via Workabout Australia, club members thereof, currently in Gargett for cane season.Do we need a ABN, if so, what is this, how do we get it etc?Do we go under backpackers or something else …

Capitalising Interest and Part IVA

Question Hi Julia,My wife and I are interested in the following strategy; purchasing a rental property and capitalising the investment loan interest, so that we can use the net rent to pay down our non-deductible home loan at a faster rate. This obviously means that the balance owing on the investment loan will increase substantially …

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