Category «Rental Property – Loans»

Question referred from Noel

Question I recently read an article about issues involved in transferring property to one’s wife. THe article said that it may not be advantageous to do so for ‘natural love and affection,’ as this would have negative CGT consequences upon future sale.In light of this, I have a question that I would like to ask …

Loan top ups and refinancing

Question Hi Julia,I have a question relating to the deductibility of loan interest following a loan top up and potential loan refinance. The detail of my situation relates to the previous question I sent to you last year, but to recap, I have 3 loans with one bank secured against a single rental property. The …

Interest deduction calculations

Question 1. Purchased investment Property Feb 2012 with 540K Loan (A). Was rented out 100% of the time until construction began June 2014 for 3 investment units.2. Drew a construction loan (B) of 450k to build the 3 investment units.3. Shortly before construction started, we decided that we would live in one of the new …

Repay company loan to SMSF

Question About 10 years ago I bought an investment property via a unit trust in a SMSF. At that time the only way to have a property in a SMSF was to also set up a unit trust. The property is 60% SMSF and the company loaned 40%. During the ownership of the property the …

Loan Interest Deductibility

Question My wife and I own a house in Tasmania. It was purchased for $500,000 7+ years ago. We did not have any mortgage on it. We moved to Victoria 1 year ago for my wife’s work. We rented our Tasmanian house out. It was probably valued at about $480,000 then (1 year ago).We rented …

Preserving the future deductibility of my mortgage

Question Hi Julia,I have a query around ensuring the future deductibility of interest on my mortgage.I purchased a property for myself and my wife to live in around 18 months ago at a 90% LVR. The loan for this was established as interest only with an offset account, given the expectation that at some point …

Splitting of loans and share purchase.

Question Hi JuliaBackground:I have a property that was purchased originally as my place of residence- and I lived in it for about 2 years, before moving and then renting it out. The loan secured over this property is for a total of $297000. The loan was originally a line of credit loan. After paying a …

Is CBA "MISA" – "good"

Question Hi,You write about an offset-Account and its use to make sure the Loan’s interest remains claimable if the money is drawn out of the Offset account rather than the Loan account. This topic became completely clear to me however unfortunately It doesn’t seem that the Banks really can give me a proper answer if …

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